One of our main strengths has always been our excellent support. We put schools right at the heart of everything we do. Our experienced team have dealt with many academy trusts in the past, including REAch2, the largest primary-only academy trust in the country.
Training and support are provided free of charge. Our dedicated helpdesk staff are on hand to take general queries, even in school holidays. You will also be assigned an account manager who will ensure that you have access to in-school training and support whether in your first year and beyond, we will deliver free consultations, support and customisations.
“When we meet with OTrack we talk about what we need, and it is great because the OTrack team are there to talk about how they can make our data help us answer the questions we were asking – and it didn’t cost us any money, it was just part of our relationship with OTrack.”
Glyn Bishop, Senior School Improvement Officer at Waterton Academy Trust
We will consult with you to produce termly newsletters to all your academies, making sure they are all kept up to date with all the latest developments and agreed changes to your reports. These are used particularly well by REAch2 and Focus Trust.
“There’s an understanding from the classroom teach, all the way to my particular post, that: this is how we do it, this is the language we use and these are the documents we use to get our message across”
Dave Dickinson, CEO at Waterton Academy Trust
When new academies join your Trust, we have a process in place to add these to your OTrack account with no fuss. They will be set up with the same tracking method and reports as your existing schools (if you wish) and they will receive in-school training to get them up and running as soon as possible.